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September - KimMotion

Derby Name: KimMotion

Derby Number: 33

When did you start skating: 2024

Favorite Skate Brand:  Solaris


What about derby caught your attention? When did you first start playing?

I have loved roller skating since I was a kid, enjoy a good spirited competition, and am not afraid to fall, so derby makes sense for me! I am also a whirlwind of energy and have a high threshold for pain 🤣

What was that “one moment” when you knew playing derby was the right thing for you?

When I played my first scrimmage and it was sooooooo much harder than I could have imagined but also so much more everything in every way! I cried that game…..but I came back and keep coming back. I love the challenge and the beautiful people I get to skate with 💚

What’s something you’ve learned playing derby that has translated into another part of your life?

sooooo much! Get back up, don’t give up on yourself, surround yourself with good people, take time for yourself, be patient with yourself and others, don’t leave the pack!!

Do you have a favorite & a least favorite position? Can you elaborate?

My favorite is jammer because it is just so much fun to keep pushing through 💚

What do you do to get ready for a bout?

Not sure yet! Have only played in a couple


What advice would you give to someone thinking about playing derby?

Just do it and don’t give up! I promise you will get better

Finish this sentence: When I’m not playing derby, I am _____.

spending time with my kids, gardening, and taking pictures.

Do you have a derby mentor?

All of them! I learn something different from everyone 💚

What keeps you motivated to keep playing when things get tough?

It makes me happier! Getting exercise and taking time for myself have made me a happier healthier human.

What’s your favorite part of skating with VCDD?

The Amazing support and kindness

Any last bit of advice you'd like to give people??

Roller Derby is so much more than you can imagine. It is a community and this team is the best!

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